All the latest Derwent Valley Railway news…


The Annual General Meeting of the Derwent Valley Railway Preservation Society Inc will be held at New Norfolk Railway Station, Station Street, on Saturday, 29 March 2025, commencing at 2.00 pm. In accordance with the Rules of Association, a formal Notice of the AGM and statement of ordinary business to be addressed in such Meeting has been issued to financial members.

Our first ever Car & Motor Bike Show proved a raging success with the many visitors and stall holders, raising a considerable sum for the Derwent Valley Railway. Thank you to everyone involved.

The next monthly Car Boot Sale will be held at Station Street New Norfolk on Sunday 30th March, from 10.00 am - 2.00 pm.

Come on along: public entry is free. Stallholders pay a nominal fee of $10.00.

  • On Sunday 15th December 2024, a confirmed case of arson in the New Norfolk rail yard resulted in the complete destruction of ‘Tullah House’, a new lunchroom and relaxation area meticulously fitted out and painted by our hard-working volunteers, as featured in the November 2024 edition of our monthly newsletter, ‘ON TRACK’.

  • The reason for this senseless attack is unknown, but the fire raises many questions about the perpetrators’ motives. The fire follows the (unsolved) destructive graffiti vandalism of two ACS carriages in February 2024, repeated in January 2025. The cost to the DVR of repainting the ACS cars is likely to exceed our entire operating budget.

  • Anyone with information that might bring to justice those responsible for the various attacks on the Derwent Valley Railway is urged to contact Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000, or the Police Assistance Line, 131 444.

  • A Go Fund Me page that raised in excess of $2,000 has now closed. Further donations will be gratefully accepted, and can be made by clicking on the red DONATE button on our home page.

  • Members and friends of the DVR may be assured that this setback will not distract us from our mission to restore heritage train services on the Derwent Valley Line as soon as possible.

  • Meanwhile, our application to the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator for variation of our accreditation is progressing: a Safety Interface Agreement for our leased land between Third Avenue and Back River Road at New Norfolk is being finalised for endorsement by TasRail.

  • We anticipate running trains again before the end of 2025, provided we receive the Regulator’s approval.

  • A working bee to carry out basic improvement works at Westerway Station is now being planned for April 2025, after we have consulted the Westerway Community Hall Committee. We plan to submit a grant application for major plumbing, electrical, carpentry and cosmetic works later this year. Calling all volunteers!

  • Become a member today and enjoy exclusive access to our monthly newsletter ‘ON TRACK’ one month before it’s published on this page.

  • Click on the links below to read back copies of ‘ON TRACK’:


The Derwent Valley Railway Preservation Society Inc monthly newsletter for members and friends