The Derwent Valley Railway Preservation Society Inc. is governed by a Board of Management. The Board is made up of 4 executive officers and 6 ordinary board members, all 10 of which are elected by the membership of the organisation.
Rules of Association
The Society is a not-for-profit incorporated association, registered under the Associations Incorporations Act 1964.
Financial Statements
2023 Audited Financial Statement
2022 Audited Financial Statement
Executive Officers
The Executive Officers of the Derwent Valley Railway Preservation Society Inc comprise the following members of the Board:
Deputy Chairperson,
Secretary and Public Officer, and
Each of the above positions will be declared vacant at the Annual General Meeting scheduled for Saturday, 29 March 2025, commencing at 2.00 pm at New Norfolk Railway Station, Station Street. Nomination forms for election to the Board were sent to members with the February 2025 edition of the monthly ‘ON TRACK’ newsletter. Nominations are welcome.
For more information, email